Friday 26 February 2021

Could Qualcomm owe you Money?

More than £480m could be reimbursed to millions of consumers who bought Apple and Samsung phones in the past five years due to a breach in competition law, reveals Which? Which? is acting on behalf of more than 29 million UK consumers against technology giant Qualcomm, to recoup the cost of what Which? says are anticompetitive practices resulting in inflated smartphone prices. If the action is successful, you could be due a payout from £5 to £30, depending on which devices you bought and how many you purchased between 1 October 2015 and the end of the claim period. We believe that those affected should get back the money they are rightfully owed, and are urging anyone affected to sign up for updates on the action so you can track its progress. Read more: - Which? Subscribe to make sure you never miss out on our revi

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