Tuesday 29 October 2019

Podcast #145: The Happiness Industry with Will Davies | The Art of Manliness

Originally published in October 2015. In the past ten years, there’s been an increasing emphasis on happiness in our culture. You can find countless books, blogs, and podcasts on how to have a happier life. What’s interesting is that even corporations and governments have gotten in on the game and are spending lots of time and money figuring out how to measure and increase happiness among employees and citizens. On the surface, that seems like a great thing, but my guest on today’s podcast makes a compelling case that perhaps we should be a bit wary of corporations and governments tracking and increasing our happiness, and the way they can sap our privacy and even a bit of our humanity. His name is William Davies and he’s the author of the book The Happiness Industry. Today on the podcast, William and I discuss the history of happiness tracking and some of the technology that’s coming out today that’s turning the present age into a real life Brave New World. Follow us! https://ift.tt/1FOPIX2 http://twitter.com/artofmanliness https://ift.tt/YAd15k

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