Wednesday 4 March 2020

Podcast #379: How to Spot Red Flags in a Relationship | The Art of Manliness

Research has consistently shown that a good marriage can significantly improve a man’s happiness and quality of life. But a bad marriage can make you utterly miserable, and even ruin you financially as well. While many men chalk up the odds of a successful marriage to the luck of the draw, my guest today argues that by looking for certain red flags in a relationship, as well as certain positive attributes, you can avoid getting involved in a draining marriage, and instead marry someone who will make your life better. His name is Shawn Smith. He’s a clinical psychologist based in Denver and the author of The Tactical Guide to Women: How Men Can Manage Risk in Dating and Marriage. Today on the show, Shawn and I discuss the risks and rewards of love and the mistakes he’s seen men make over and over again in his counseling practice when it comes to dating and marriage. Shawn then shares the script most men follow to find a partner, why that script can backfire on them, and a better, alternative script men should use instead. Shawn then walks us through the character traits men should be looking for in a woman and the changes men should make to ensure they have a fulfilling marriage. He then explains why “happy wife, happy life” is terrible advice and what to do if your marriage isn’t doing well right now. Follow us!

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