Saturday 11 November 2017

Warhol’s Radical Departures

These works on paper by Andy Warhol, from the collection of art dealer and curator Anthony d’Offay, were executed between 1962 and 1966. The unique silkscreens, including Race Riot (1963) and Ambulance Disaster (1963), and three rare trial proof images of Jacqueline Kennedy — Jackie I, Jackie II and Jackie III (all circa 1966) — relate directly to paintings made by Warhol of the same subjects. One of a small number of Race Riot works on paper in existence, the 1963 Race Riot silkscreen being offered was based on a photograph taken in the same year by photojournalist Charles Moore of demonstrations in Birmingham, Alabama. Earlier that year, bombings had targeted black leaders of the Birmingham Civil Rights campaign. Explosive devices were placed at the parsonage of Rev. A. D. King, brother of Martin Luther King, Jr., and at a motel where King and other campaign organisers had stayed. Find out more:

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