Tuesday 3 December 2019

Podcast #244: Brain Farts, Braggarts, and Civil Political Discussion | The Art of Manliness

Last year I had image consultant Frances Cole Jones on the podcast to discuss her book How to Wow: Proven Strategies to Sell Your Brilliant Self. At the end of that episode, Frances invited AoM Podcast listeners to ask her questions via her website about anything pertaining to personal presentation and social skills like job interviews, small talk, public speaking, and so on. And boy did you guys respond! Frances and I figured if one of you guys had a certain question, there are probably hundreds more who have the same one. So we’ve created a quarterly series on the podcast called “Ask Frances” where Frances will answer some of the questions you all have submitted to her. In today’s edition, Frances provides tips on what to do if you lose your train of thought while speaking, how to avoid coming across like a know-it-all, how to handle a braggart at the office, and an extremely timely topic with a presidential election less than a month away: how to discuss politics tactfully and respectfully with someone with differing political views. Follow us! https://ift.tt/YAd15k http://twitter.com/artofmanliness

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