Thursday 26 December 2019

Podcast #274: Building Your Band of Brothers | The Art of Manliness

Surveys show that adult men are suffering a friendship crisis. Most adult men don’t have a single friend they could turn to in a time of need. Many sociologists suggest that this dearth of friendship is one of the contributing factors in increased mental disorders and suicide rates among men. But close male friends don’t just keep you from suffering a mental and emotional breakdown. They’re also vital in shaping you into a better man. That’s the argument my guest today, Stephen Mansfield, makes in his latest book, Building Your Band of Brothers. Today on the show, Stephen and I discuss the bleak statistics on male friendship, the myth of the lone alpha male, and why making friends in adulthood is so hard for men. We then discuss what he means by a “band of brothers,” why men’s accountability groups usually fail, and how a close-knit group of friends can help make you a better man. We end our discussion by delving into exactly what you need to do to develop a band of brothers and what to do when you get together. If you feel like you’ve been lacking in the friendship department, this episode is for you. You’re going to walk away with some tactics you can put into action right away to begin developing your posse of pals. Follow us!

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