Wednesday 5 February 2020

Podcast #329: Stick With It — The Science of Behavior Change | The Art of Manliness

If you’re like most people, you’ve probably got some habits you’d like to change: maybe you want to quit smoking or eat better or check your phone less. And if you’re like most people, you’ve probably tried making those changes, and failed. And after failing again and again, you just gave up. My guest today is a psychologist who specializes in helping people make real, lasting change in their lives. His name is Sean Young and he’s the director of the UCLA Center of Digital Behavior and the author of the book Stick with It: A Scientifically Proven Process For Changing Your Life—for Good. Today on the show, Sean explains why most of our approaches to personal change fail, and the scientifically proven process he and his team have developed to help people make lasting change. Sean shares several tactics that — when used in combination — can help you finally make those changes you’ve long desired. We discuss why creating small wins is important in habit change and what we can learn from cults on how to effectively change ourselves. We then discuss how we can alter our environment to facilitate transformation, as well as “neurohacks” that can shortcut the brain’s hardwired instincts. At the end, Sean ties all these concepts together to provide listeners with a roadmap to finally sticking with a habit change. Show Highlights Why do a lot of our efforts at sticking with things — especially when it comes to life change — fail? Why motivational and self-help books don’t work in the long run Why information alone doesn’t work in helping people change their habits How bad habits and behaviors cost taxpayers, and even affect public policy A, B, and C behaviors — not all behaviors and actions are the same The S.C.I.E.N.C.E. framework to creating lasting change What’s a “stepladder” and how is it an effective tool in changing our habits? The important differences between steps, goals, and dreams What cults can teach us about lasting change How to make something that should be important to you, actually important How we can make change easier for us Change your environment, change your behaviors What are neurohacks, and how they can foster change? Why motivation and inspiration are way overrated Follow us!

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