Saturday 22 February 2020

Podcast #331: The Difference Between Essentialists and Non-Essentialists | The Art of Manliness

Do you feel overwhelmed? Do you feel like you’re always busy but not productive? Do you feel like your time is constantly being hijacked by other people’s agendas? If you can answer yes to any of those questions, today’s episode is for you. I talk to business consultant Greg McKeown about his book Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less. In it, Greg argues that by doing less we can actually not only be more productive, but, more importantly, get more of the right things done in life. We begin our conversation talking about the differences between an essentialist and a non-essentialist, and why essentialists look at every decision with a 100-year view. Greg then shares how you can apply essentialist principles to your work so that you can convince your boss that maybe some of the stuff you’re working on isn’t that important. We then discuss why taking time for play, sleeping, or doing absolutely nothing can sometimes be the most productive thing you can do. Greg then shares tips on how to say no to people without feeling like a jerk and why adding buffer to your life is an important part of being an essentialist. This podcast is filled with both brass tacks advice and deep insights about living a flourishing life. You’re going to want to take notes. Show Highlights How Greg learned the importance of essentialism What it means to be an essentialist Why people think that everything thrown their way is important and essential The very interesting history of the word “priority” The three phases of our society becoming non-essentialist How constant busyness is a actually a sign of learned helplessness How success can hinder further success Why Google hasn’t had a fraction of the success with other products as with search Cultivating the essentialist mindset How to figure out what’s important and what isn’t How looking 100 years back and 100 years forward can shape your perspective How to tell your boss that you have too many meetings Overcoming the fear of saying no What an “essential intent” is compared to mission and vision statements Brad Pitt’s essential intent Why trade-offs are great for your business and life Emergent vs deliberate strategies What is “buffer” and why is it important to an essentialist life The seemingly non-essential activities — playing, exploring, resting — that are actually essential Follow us!

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