Wednesday 15 August 2018

Art of Manliness Podcast #121: Strategic and Critical Thinking With Tom Ruby

Originally published July 2015 Show Notes: Few subjects are as important for men to master than strategic and critical thinking, and my guest on the podcast today has spent his career helping both military brass and business owners become better at both. His name is Tom Ruby and he’s the owner of Bluegrass Critical Thinking Solutions, a consulting company that helps companies develop strategies and doctrines so they can better manage the ever-changing marketplace. Before Tom did private consulting, he served 26 years active duty in the U.S. Air Force, serving in such positions as Squadron Intelligence Officer, Associate Dean and senior faculty member at the Air Command and Staff College, and Chief of Doctrine for the AF Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Enterprise. He also served on General Petraeus’ Joint Strategic Assessment Team during the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars. Today on the podcast Tom and I discuss what it means to “think strategically” and why and how average Joes need to become better strategists. Show Highlights How the U.S. military is anti-intellectual The topics you should study to become a better strategist Why it’s so hard for organizations to try new ideas How to balance going against the grain to make an important change and going with the flow in order to advance your career Books you should read to become a better strategist What Ender from Ender’s Game can teach us about strategy and leadership Tom’s maxims for leadership And much more! Follow us!

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