Thursday 20 June 2019

'Your Consumer Champion' Which? award winner 2019

Monzo Bank's Vulnerable Customer Specialist Natalie Ledward wins the first ever 'Your Consumer Champion' Which? award 2019. Find out more about the Which? Awards: Natalie listened to consumers and took the initiative to develop a completely new concept to help some of the bank's most vulnerable customers. Our judges were particularly impressed with the way Natalie took the idea for a gambling block on directly from customer feedback and drove it to reality. The creation of this block has not only impacted 90,000 Monzo customers who use it but has led to a change in the entire banking industry as others look to follow suit. Natalie's story shows that even just one individual has the power to make a huge change for consumers and that's why she's been selected as the first ever Your Consumer Champion 2019. Which?: Twitter: Facebook:

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