Monday 26 August 2019

Podcast #137: The Humor Code With Peter McGraw | The Art of Manliness

t’s a question that philosophers have asked since Aristotle. What makes something funny? Going beyond that — why do we laugh in the first place? Because if you step back and look at it, laughing is pretty dang weird. Well, my guest today on the podcast went on a worldwide tour to uncover the science of humor. His name is Peter McGraw. He’s a behavioral scientist at the University of Colorado in Boulder and he’s the co-author of the book The Humor Code: A Global Search for What Makes Things Funny. Today on the podcast Peter and I discuss the findings of his far-ranging research as well as the work done in his humor lab at the University of Colorado. If you’re looking to add a bit more humor into your life, you won’t want to miss this. Show Highlights The super serious academic research that goes on about humor Why humans laugh (and why some animals do too) Peter’s Benign Violation Theory of Humor What are the boundaries of propriety when it comes to jokes Are people born funny? Can you work on becoming funnier? Are men funnier than women? Why women find men with a sense of humor attractive Does humor cut across cultures? What you can start doing today to become funnier And much more!

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