Tuesday 27 August 2019

Podcast #138: Reviving Practical Wisdom | The Art of Manliness

Originally published September 2015. Transcript and show notes at: https://ift.tt/2zmlX4y We’ve all probably encountered instances when some dumb rule or regulation gets enforced, which results in worsening the situation that the dumb rule or regulation was originally designed to prevent in the first place. If you’ve dealt with government bureaucracies or worked in a highly regimented corporation you probably see these types of scenarios on a regular basis. When you face these events, your typical response is to shake your head and wonder “What happened to common sense?” My guest today on the podcast co-authored a book highlighting the ill-effects that come with over-relying on strict rules and regulations to govern ourselves and how it atrophies a quality Aristotle called “practical wisdom.” Barry Schwartz is a professor of psychology at Swarthmore College and the co-author of Practical Wisdom: The Right Way to Do the Right Thing. Today on the podcast, Professor Schwartz and I discuss some of the funny/sad results of relying too much on regulations and what we can do to revive practical wisdom in our own lives and in the wider culture. Show Highlights Why rules and regulations sometimes don’t work in managing society How a dad lost his kid for two weeks because he accidentally gave him Mike’s Hard Lemonade (and how the judge who issued the ruling even thought the ruling was stupid) How rules and regulations in schools have hampered teachers’ ability to actually teach How “practical wisdom” is the remedy to the downsides of too many rules and regulations Why Aristotle thought practical wisdom was the master virtue The traits you need to develop practical wisdom What you can do to revive practical wisdom in your own life and in the world around you And much more! Follow us! https://ift.tt/1FOPIX2 http://twitter.com/artofmanliness https://ift.tt/YAd15k https://ift.tt/1DUJeqE

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