Sunday 10 November 2019

Podcast #170: Level Up Your Life | The Art of Manliness

Like most American kids who grew up in the 80s and 90s, video games were a big part of my childhood. I can still remember the first video game I conquered (Karate Kid on the NES) and my first case of what felt like video game addiction (Zelda: A Link to the Past on SNES). When I stopped playing video games over a decade ago, I figured they’d given me hours of childhood entertainment and maybe a few good memories. Well, my guest on the podcast today argues that perhaps there’s actually a thing or two we can learn from how video games are designed that can help improve our real life. His name is Steve Kamb and he’s the owner of Nerd Fitness. In Steve’s newly published book, Level Up Your Life, he shows readers how they can use the same mechanics that make video games so fun and addicting to help them get in better shape and knock off items on their bucket list. Follow us!

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