Thursday 14 November 2019

Podcast #202: How Bad Do You Want It? | The Art of Manliness

If you’re an endurance athlete, you’ve probably experienced “the Wall” at some point or another. It’s that moment in a race where you’re pushing yourself really hard and your body just tells you “Basta! Enough!” So you back off and slow down to a trot or even start walking. Or if you lift weights you’ve probably had those days when a weight felt super easy, but another day when the same weight felt super heavy. It’d be easy to think that this is your body telling you that you’ve had enough — that your muscles are fatigued and you can’t possibly go on. But what if it’s all in your mind? My guest today has recently published a book highlighting the exciting research that’s coming out showing that our athletic performance often comes down not to our bodies, but what’s in our head. His name is Matt Fitzgerald and his book is entitled How Bad Do You Want It? Mastering the Psychology of Mind Over Muscle. Today on the podcast, Matt and I discuss how it’s not physical fatigue that keeps us from pushing beyond “the wall” in sports, but our “perception of effort.” And how with a few psychological tricks, we can overcome this perception of how hard we’re working in order to break through plateaus and smash PRs. Follow us!

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