Tuesday 12 November 2019

Podcast #185: Forces of Character | The Art of Manliness

Character. It’s something we all want. In our leaders, our children, and for ourselves. But what is character and how do we go about developing it? My guest today tried to find the answers to those questions and the result is his book Forces of Character. His name is Chad Hennings. Many of you might know him from his days playing defensive end for the Dallas Cowboys when they were winning Super Bowls left and right. But what you might not know about Chad is that he’s also a veteran of Operation Desert Storm. Since hanging up his football cleats, Chad has spent his time helping men become better leaders, husbands, and fathers through speaking engagements and book writing. In Forces of Character, Chad shares interviews he did with a wide ranging group of people — from Roger Staubach to a woman who survived Auschwitz — on what it means to live a life of character. Today on the podcast, Chad I discuss some of the insights about character he’s gained from talking to these folks. This is a great podcast to listen to with your children. Follow us! https://ift.tt/YAd15k http://twitter.com/artofmanliness

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