Monday 11 November 2019

Podcast #173: How Skewed Sex Ratios on College Campuses Are Affecting Dating | The Art of Manliness

In the past forty years we’ve seen dramatic changes in the way people date and marry. Sexuality has become more permissive and young adults are putting off marriage longer and longer. And a lot of ink has been spilt in an effort to explain exactly why. People talk about factors such as changing values and the changing economy. My guest today has a different take on the subject: he argues that it’s perhaps changing demographics that have really transformed mating patterns in the West. His name is Jon Birger and he’s the author of the book Date-onomics: How Dating Became a Lopsided Numbers Game. Today on the podcast Jon and I discuss what effect changing sex ratios, particularly on college campuses, has had on courtship, male and female behavior, and marriage. Follow us!

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