Wednesday 13 November 2019

Podcast #189: The Classical Education You Never Had | The Art of Manliness

Beginning in the Middle Ages, young people who received a formal education did so using a set pattern called the trivium. This “classical education” method was how many of history’s great minds were educated, including America’s Founding Fathers. But beginning in the late 19th century, the classical education methodology was seen as old-fashioned and outdated for our modern, industrial society, and so different methods of education began springing up. Slowly the classical education pattern used for centuries in the West faded away. But what have we missed out on both individually and as a culture by eschewing a classical education? Could abandoning the trivium for more modern education methods be one of the sources of a decline in the intellectual ability of students, as well as decreasing cultural literacy levels amongst educated adults? If you missed out on a classical education growing up, is it possible to get one even though you’re finished with school? My guest today on the podcast, Susan Bauer, has the answers to those questions. She’s the author of The Well-Educated Mind: A Guide to the Classical Education You Never Had, as well as The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to a Classical Education at Home. In today’s show, we discuss what a classical education is, the benefits of it, and how you can create a curriculum for yourself which can accommodate even the busiest of schedules. We also discuss how you can provide your children a classical education even if they go to public schools and how Susan’s Well-Trained Mind Academy can help your middle schoolers and high schoolers get a classical education from classically trained teachers right at home. Follow us!

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