Sunday 17 November 2019

Podcast #227: The Art & Science of Loving the Place You Live| The Art of Manliness

There’s a tendency in people to think that if they only lived in a super cool place, their lives would be infinitely better. While it’s true that geography can influence our well-being, we often vastly overestimate how much moving will actually improve our lives. If you’re miserable in one city, you’re probably going to be miserable somewhere else. There’s truth to the adage “Wherever you go, there you are.” And let’s face it. We often don’t have complete control over where we live due to jobs, family obligations, and other factors. So how can you learn to love the place you live, even if you don’t feel it’s the place of your dreams, or the most ideal location? My guest today spent a year researching the burgeoning science of what’s called “place attachment” in order to answer that question. Her name is Melody Warnick and she’s the author of This Is Where You Belong: The Art and Science of Loving the Place You Live. On the show Melody and I discuss what “place attachment” is and what you can do to have more of it for the place you live. This is a great podcast filled with some extremely actionable advice. Follow us!

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