Wednesday 13 November 2019

Podcast #192: Becoming Batman to Do Good | The Art of Manliness

t’s been said that comic book superheroes are modernity’s version of the great Greek myths. Just as the ancient Greeks used the stories of Odysseus or Hercules as guides on how to live their lives, many modern individuals who grew up on superhero stories have found inspiration in them on how to live a heroic life, even if they’re just average joes. My guest today on the podcast is a documentarian who has created films about real-life people who have been inspired by comic book heroes to do good in their communities. His name is Brett Culp and he’s the director of Legends of the Knight and Look to the Sky. In today’s episode, Brett and I discuss why Batman is such an enduring superhero and how he’s inspired a millionaire to dress up like Batman and visit kids in the hospital, and a child psychologist to start using Batman comic books to teach troubled children skills like resilience and courage. We also discuss Brett’s unique way of showing these films so that he can raise money for charity. If you love comic books, you’re going to love this podcast. Even if you’re not a big fan of comic books, you’re still going to enjoy it. It’s a truly uplifting story. Follow us!

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