Tuesday 12 November 2019

Podcast #181: The Geography of Genius | The Art of Manliness

Throughout human history, certain areas of the world have experienced short periods of intense creative flourishing. For example, from 500 BC to 300 BC the Greek city-state of Athens produced thinkers and philosophers that laid the foundation of Western Civilization. Between 1330 and 1550, great works of art poured out of Florence, Italy. Why do certain places have these bursts of creative genius? My guest today on the podcast explores that question in his book The Geography of Genius: A Search for the World’s Most Creative Places, from Ancient Athens to Silicon Valley. His name is Eric Weiner and on today’s episode we explore what Eric uncovered during his wold-wide tour of humanity’s most creative times and places and how we can apply these principles in our own lives to be more innovative. Follow us! https://ift.tt/YAd15k http://twitter.com/artofmanliness

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