Wednesday 6 November 2019

Podcast #149: Podcast #149: Taking Action in an Uncertain World | The Art of Manliness

Three of the best and most popular pieces of content we’ve ever published on the site are 10 Overlooked Truths About Taking Action, 5 Tools for Thriving in Uncertainty, and Stop Hacking Your Life. While each was published months to years ago, I still get tweets and letters from men saying how much they appreciated the articles, and how they inspired them to adopt a better mindset and take more action in their lives. Those 3 pieces all have something in common: they were written by a fella by the name of Kyle Eschenroeder. Kyle’s one of the most interesting guys I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting online. He started day trading in high school and now he runs a successful company called StartUp Bros that help individuals with their e-commerce businesses. While that’s all really impressive, what impresses me most about Kyle is how well-read he is and how earnestly he grapples with a lot of hard ideas. He’s extremely thoughtful and I love how we tries to connect all these disparate ideas in creative and useful ways that are relevant to navigating our current culture and its unique challenges and opportunities. Seeing how Kyle’s posts have really resonated with AoM readers, I thought it would be great to get him on the podcast to discuss some of the ideas he’s explored with us. So today on the show, Kyle and I have a conversation about action, uncertainty, and why life hacking is overrated. Lots of great takeaways from this show. You’ll want to take notes. Originally published October 015 Follow us!

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