Saturday 9 November 2019

Podcast #159: Stronger, Faster, Harder to Kill | The Art of Manliness

Last year I got an email out of the blue from a guy named Tod Moore inviting me to a special event his gym, Atomic Athlete, was putting on in Austin, TX called Vanguard (see my review of the event here). In the email, Tod described Vanguard as “36 hours of learning all of the man skills your daddy never taught you or you may have forgotten over the years.” And it was the perfect description. During a single weekend I shot pistols, did land navigation, butchered a rabbit and a chicken, and was taught how to fight by Tim Kennedy. It was awesome. While I was at the Vanguard I got to learn a lot about the fitness programming they do at Atomic Athlete. The emphasis on overall strength and cardio conditioning appealed to me, as I was in a season of getting ready for multiple mud runs, as well as a GoRuck Challenge. So I went home and signed up for their online programming. And, boy, the workouts smoked me. Their Hybrid programming took me back to my football days. Total sufferfest. Today on the podcast I talk to the owners of Atomic Athlete — Jake Saenz and Tod Moore — about the philosophy behind their workouts, how you can become “stronger, faster, and harder to kill,” and why it’s important that fitness serves a purpose beyond just doing exercises. Originally published December 2015 Follow us!

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